CBD Sweet Melon
Hemp is known for its outstanding properties. The mixture of terpenes and cannabinoids contained in them affects the cannabinoid receptors, which are responsible for the activity of the neurotransmitter in the brain's hands. As a result, an increasing number of people who appreciate natural ways to support the body use the benefits of the plant. The Sativa Store offers a wide selection of hemp products made of various types of hemp. One of them is dried flowers in CBD Sweet Melon variety. Get to know the popular variety closer and see what it owes its group of loyal fans!
Susz CBD Sweet Melon & ndash; characteristics
CBD Sweet Melon is made from female flowers in indoor hemp. The cultivation, controlled at each stage, provides plants with optimal conditions for growth, away from factors that may adversely affect the quality of the flower. UV radiation, excess water, frost. Sweet Melon, as the name suggests, is characterized by an intense aroma with a distinct note of sweetness. The cannabis flowers are mature, light green in color and rich in structure. They contain about 4.4% of the beneficial CBD.
We offer a 100% natural product. Hemp is free of any artificial additives, pesticides and herbicides. Importantly, before the flowers are dried and packed in airtight packages, they are carefully trimmed. Hemp CBD Sweet Melon can be purchased in packs of 0.3 g, 1 g, 2 g or 4.2 g.
Natural, gentle, safe
< p> Contrary to common misconception, dried hemp flowers are not intoxicating and are not addictive. THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. Sativa cannabis only contains trace amounts of this substance (less than 0.2%). You can be sure that the sale, purchase and possession of CBD Sweet Melon is legal, and its use does not pose a threat to safety or health.
Sweet Melon
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